Thai girl and Milagros Sponsership/Scholarship program



Ethnic youth graduate and become potential discipleship leaders who understand the calling and having the commitment to serve the community and surrounding community.


  1. Christ centered
  2. Responsible
  3. Preserverance
  4. Served Mind
  5. Friendship
  6. Accountability
  7. Biblical Perspective
  8. Holistic Approaches (4 Dimensions physical, spiritual, wisdom and relationship)

MMF supports scholarship for education and develops youth leadership from junior high school up to a university level in order to having an opportunity to serve and part of discipleship with ultimately goal to become a good leader and commitment to serve to others.

MMF has 2 scholarships;

  1. Thai Girl Scholarship Program:
    Provide an opportunity, equipping life skills and leadership towards girls who are at risk of being lured into human trafficking rings with its hope to provide an alternate path of life.
  2. Milagros Scholarship Program :
    Providing an opportunity towards Christian Youth to be equipped with leadership skills in order to serve and being part of ministry as well as growing of both spiritual life and commitment of serving

The benefit of being part of the program :

  • Strengthening of leadership and survival skills
  • Discipleship and youth leaders
  • Provide education scholarship

Implemented activities

  1. Training
  2. Annual program development camp
  3. Rotational devotion
  4. Monthly meeting
  5. Presentation of scholarship
  6. Christmas celebration
  7. Field trip study


Rotational devotion

Presentation of scholarship

Field trip study


Annual program development camp

Christmas celebration

Monthly meeting