Pa Du Church


The beginning of the church started when a group of the villagers who committed wrong according to the village norms consequently they had to moved out of the animism. Villagers at that time had no idea who they can consult with. Thus they consulted with a primary school teacher in the village. The teacher name was Priroj. Fortunately Teacher Priroj knew a pastor in his village. Later on Teacher Priroj brought the issue and consulted with Pastor Srimoon Chaiwangyen who served the Lord in Fang Min, Chiangrai Province. From that time, Pastor Srimoon started evangelism. He traveled by a 70 cc. motorcycle to reach to this village.

In this village, the evangelism was started in the house of Mr.Sunthorn Rakprisakun, who was first person received Christ. He allowed to Pastor Srimoon to utilize his house as the evangelism and devotional.

The language barrier caused difficulties in communication Pastor Srimoon Chaiwangyen had invited Mr.Ah Bye Joe Baw who was intern bible student to come to be his Akha translator (Currently Mr.Ah Bye Joe Baw is evangelist and founder of Mercy House)

Later on Mr.Chaiyot Kukaewkasem who was the bible internship student invited to join in the ministry for translating Akha. Currently Rev. Dr. Chaiyot Kukaewkasem is the founder of Grace Home and Akha Outreach Foundation. At that time, Rev.Chaiyot used a motorcycle to reach to the village. Not long ago Pastor Srimoon received a bigger motorcycle so he gave his 70 cc. motorcycle to Rev.Chaiyot. God blessed Pastor Srimoon with a Toyota pickup as well as the physical needs. The building has been constructed for worshipping and number of believers has been increased. The ministry has been expansion and more people nearby Pa Du for example Saen Jai Pattana had heard the gospel as well.

From the ministry expansion from Pa Du to Saen Jai Pattana consequently Pastor Srimoon Chaiwangyen and Rev.Chaiyot Kukaewkasem had to relocate themselves in order to evangelize at Saen Jai Pattana. This was the first time that Pa Du Church would require a pastor to do ministry in the church. Following are the name of the Lord servants in the church;

1. Mr. Joshua had served the lord for 3 years and the members had well supported him.

2. Boonwas Supanyo who took position from Mr.Joshua in serving the Lord. He and his wife had 1 son and 1 daughter. Pastor Srimoon Chaiwangyen was the donor while Mr.Boonwas Supanyo was a Phayao Bible student and the expenses for Mr.Boonwas’s family while serving at Pa Du Church.

  • During Mr.Boonwas Supanyo had served the Lord there was a Phayao bible student team led by Mr.Somsak Chusong evangelized periodically. Mr.Somsak Chusong made the first baptism on 3 April 1988. These are the persons who received baptized followings;
  1. Arche Rakprisakun
  2. Meetu Rakprisakun
  3. Kai To Pia pa
  4. Nator Pia pa
  5. Ah Nong Chermui
  6. Meena Chermui
  7. Ahcha Chermui
  8. Meeyeh Chermui
  • The family of Mr.Boonwas Supanyo served the Lord at Pa Du Church for 5 years. After he left the church for evangelism and church planting at another village; Saen Suk, Huay San and Pa Sang Sung. The Pa Du Church appointed Mr.Banjong Rakprisakun (Ahche) to be the church elder for 4 years. After 4 years completion the church became vacancy for 2 years then the bible intern student served in the church for 6 months.

3. Mr.Ahkang Joebaw for 1 year

4. Mr. Saengkham with his family served for 4 years

5. Mr. Ahcha Chermui served for 3 years

6. Mr.Banjong Rakprisakun for 1 year

7. Mr. Ahdo Chermui for 1 year

8. Mr.Sangje Mayer for 2 years

9. Mr.Yana Chermui for 2 years

10. Mr.Suriyan Siansansern and his family dedicated himself to serve the Lord on 1 April 2010. In 2011 the Pa Du Church moved from the Methodist Korean to Pradamri Chonburi Church which under the Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand. The Pa Du Church initiated the Saturday Child Care Center sponsored by Dasmon Team Mission which are Chinese Methodist of America which was liaised by Pastor Chaweewan Fujitnirand, of Pradamri Chonburi Church.

11. The Pa Du Church executed the Child Care Center since then up to 1 January 2014 Mr.Suriyan Siansansern resigned from pastor post according to the agreement and would do the Saturday Child Care Center. The Pa Du Church appointed Mr.Rungroj to be an elder of the church for 2 months later on Mr.Acha Pornwuttikun took the position for 2 months and during this 2 months the Pa Du Church appointed Mr.Chaiporn Chainirandkun to be a church pastor.

12. Mr. Chaiporn Chainirandkun served the Lord on 1 May 2014. He was financial support by Pradamri Chonburi Church while he was studying bible at Chiangrai Bible Seminary as well as Mr.Nimit Siansansern was his mentor until Mr.Chaiporn Chainirandkun graduated his Diploma in Theology. During Mr.Chaiporn Chainirandkun served in the Pa Du Church there was change of the church followings;
In 2015 Pradamri Chonburi Church became the mother church of Pa Du Church including another 3 churches and the Pa Du Church moved out of the Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand to be attached to the Church of Christ in Thailand, under the 2nd Church District zone 6 at the present.


Mr. Chaiporn Chainirandkun
Mr. Chaiporn Chainirandkun


Activity Photo